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4-H educates youth in disaster preparedness

4-H educates youth in disaster preparedness

4-H educates youth in disaster preparedness

Published on Sep. 5, 2019

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Source: Mark Mains, assistant director for 4-H youth development

Unfortunately, natural disasters happen far too often, but the good news is there are ways we can prepare ourselves to better respond and handle natural disasters. Kentucky 4-H is teaching its teen members about ways they can be better prepared in the event of a natural disaster through the My Preparedness Initiative, also known as MyPI.

This is the first year Kentucky 4-H has offered the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture-funded program. The program is offered in three, hands-on components over the course of five to 10 weeks. During this time, young people learn about all aspects of disaster preparedness as they work through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency-certified CERT training. This includes topics such as fire safety and utility control, light search and rescue, disaster psychology, disaster medical operations and ways to communicate and receive information during a disaster or emergency. In addition, 4-H’ers learn about careers in public safety, fire service and emergency management.

To complete the MyPI training, 4-H members help develop emergency supply kits and communication plans for their household and six additional households, which can help them better prepare for a natural disaster or crisis situation. 

To learn more about MYPI, visit https://mypikentucky.org/ or contact the COUNTY NAME) Extension office.

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363 Blazer Dining 343 S. Martin Luther King Blvd. Lexington, KY 40526-0012